Monday 2 January 2017

Around the Arun Valley

After the washout of New Year's Day, some better weather for a visit to The Burgh on the east side of the Arun Valley. I was hoping to see Grey Partridge, a species that has eluded me for several years and I was in luck. In addition, I also saw Short-eared Owl, Buzzard, Kestrel. Yellowhammer, Corn Bunting, Red Kite, Fieldfare and Redwing.


The farm is clearly being managed to encourage birds with wide field margins, feeders and ponds all in evidence.

There were lots of Mute Swan in the Arun valley, but from Offam Farm I had distant views of six Berwick Swans. This was a lifetime first for me, my 422nd species and my first lifer of 2017.

After that I drove to Climping. It was a sunny afternoon and the beach was busy with a high tide. Despite this I had good views of Shelduck, Turnstone, Sanderling and Grey Plover. In the field behind the beach was a flock of over 100 Brent Geese.


 Grey Plover

 Brent Geese
