Sunday 21 January 2018

Rainy Weekend

A weekend of very disappointing weather, with rain virtually all day Saturday and Sunday. Light is still in pretty short supply so I have no chance of getting out in the evenings during the week. It was with an air of near desperation that I went for a walk at Old Lodge in very damp conditions

 Water droplets on Birch twigs.

 A splendid row of Beech trees.

 'Fairy-cup' style lichen,

 Scotts Pine

 More water droplets.

On Sunday I drove out to the Cuckmere and did a bit of birdwatching from the car park. The Kingfisher made a brief appearance.

 Herring Gull


 Black-Headed Gull.

 Little Grebes. There were nine on the meanders by the car park.

A few visitors to the back garden.

 A damp Robin with water droplets.

 Jackdaws have pale blue eyes.

One of the pair of Stock Doves, that visit most days to feed on the fallen food from the feeders.

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