Monday 1 January 2018

ARCHIVE: March 2016

Here are more photographs from my backlog, which I am slowly working through.

My first Chiffchaff of Spring, from the Pevensey Levels near Rickney.

Wood Pigeon. I read this bird represents  the largest biomass of any species of wild animal in the UK.

Male Teal in full breeding plumage.

Raven over Wilmington.

Teal on the flooded meadows of the Cuckmere Valley.

The pair of Egyptian Geese that bred for a few years in the Cuckmere Valley, near Charleston Reedbed. They do not seem to be around anymore.

Male and female Tufted Duck at West Rise Marsh.

Male (top) and female Reed Bunting at West Rise Marsh.

Meadow Pipit at West Rise Marsh.

Migrating skein of Brent Geese, heading east, from the cliffs below  Crowlink.

Male and female Stonechat, near Crowlink.

I made the journey to Oare Marsh on the north Kent coast, arriving at sunrise.

Pintail at dawn.

Sunrise at Oare Marsh.

Redshank, in early morning light.

Greylag Goose, also being given a orange tint by the low sun.


Black-tailed Godwits.

Goldfinch, in golden light.

Another Black-tailed Godwit.

Super smart Pintail, this time with the sun behind me.

Yellowhammer, in the North Downs.

Dunnock, at the now closed sheep centre at East Dean.

Great Crested Grebe, West Rise Marsh.

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