Monday 1 January 2018

New Year 2018 - Cuckmere Valley

The relentless sequence of rain systems that deluged Sussex at the end of 2017, continued into the start of 2018. The meadows along the Cuckmere Valley have flooded, and are full of waterfowl, mainly Canada Geese, Mallard, Teal and Wigeon. Just before 3pm the sky cleared and beautiful sunlight filled the valley.

South along the valley towards the Charleston reedbeds.

I estimated there were close to 300 Canada Geese feeding in the flooded meadows.

Looking west towards Frog Firle.

Mute Swans

The view north from Frog Firle with Alfriston church spire in the background.

A Common Buzzard, one of three that were calling actively and trying hard to ignore the mobbing crows.
A Buzzard receiving close attention from a crow, while another looks on.

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