Saturday 9 December 2017

West Rise Marsh

Things are starting to get rather too exciting at West Rise Marsh.....

Once again I was seen off by the resident Water Buffalo. I like them being on the Marsh, and will never forget the day I visited one summer and found them all swimming in the lake, but they can be quite intimidating. Coincidentally I met two people at the marsh on Saturday, both claimed to have been pushed over by them.

I remain a big fan of West Rise Marsh, as the number of posts about it on this blog testify. Over the years I have seen Bittern, Slavonian Grebe, Red-rumped Swallow, Smew, and many other exciting species there. I recommend a visit, but keep your eyes on the buffalo.


Two male Shoveler, one with an unusual scallop pattern on its plumage.


Reeds in the weak winter sunshine.

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