Wednesday 20 December 2017

Cuckmere Haven

It was a very misty drive over the downs to Cuckmere Haven, so I was relieved to see the valley was clear. The hills either side were muffled by low cloud, and there was very little wind until near the beach.

This Little Egret was generating the ripples by alternately shaking each leg as it walked forward. It then rapidly picked off the prey items it was disturbing from the mud at the bottom of the pool, feeding almost continuously.

Very large numbers of Canada Geese had gathered next to the meanders near the path; it must have been a quiet day. They were nervous and soon took flight as I approached.

There were dozens of Redshank feeding all around the valley.

I was lucky enough to see two Kingfishers. Good numbers of Skylarks and Rock Pipits were to be found along the river bank. About 20 Little Grebes were on the meanders.

Record shots:

Curlew were in good numbers, and were feeding north of the road, around the meanders and in the fields on the west side of the river.

Poor photo of my first Water Pipit of the winter. A few birds over winter in the valley every year, but I normally see them up around Frog Firle.

The first Pochard I have ever seen in the valley.

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