Wednesday 27 December 2017

ARCHIVE: Norfolk February 2016

Visited Norfolk at February half term so my daughter could attend an open day at UEA. Thankfully she accepted a place there so I now get to visit several times a year.

Nuthatch at Blickling.

Coal Tit at Blickling.

On just about the coldest day imaginable we took a boat trip out from Morston Quay to see the seals at Blakeney Point.

Brent Geese at Morston Quay.

Common Seals.

Grey Seals.

A drive from Morston to Horsey to look for Common Cranes. A freezing walk to the Stubb Mill raptor viewing platform was enlivened by a Barn Owl, a Chinese Water Deer and a flock of Fieldfares. Then I heard the trumpeting calls of Cranes.

Common Cranes, a lifetime first. I have been back many times, but have not been lucky since.

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