Tuesday 19 December 2017

Pulborough Brooks

A glorious winter's day to visit Pulborough Brooks. A cold night had left a hard frost that was being melted away by the sun, but being low in the sky, there were plenty of shaded places where the ice remained.

Oak leaves in the frost.

Male Bullfinch

A female Bullfinch, nipping off a bud tip.

Song Thrush

More frost

Lapwing, standing out on the ice of a frozen scrape.

Roosting Pintails.

Grazing Wigeon

A group of Teal roosting on the ice.


A Robin, singing territorially.

A rather cross-looking Bluetit.

Frost that has been gently melted, by the sun, into water droplets.

An obscured view of a Kingfisher, with marvellous pink feet.

These Wigeon had been spooked by a passing Buzzard.

This hunting Kestrel is staring intently at the ground, on the lookout for prey.

Mallard, Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler and Tufted Duck. The number of waterfowl on the Brooks was fantastic.

Green Woodpecker


Another Redwing.

One of my most memorable visits, topped by a distant sighting of a Temminck's Stint, a lifetime first.

Record shots:
Distant Peregrine

A distant Little Owl, just visible in the crook of the tree. My first one this year.

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