Saturday 30 December 2017


Quite a windy day at Dungeness, with relatively few species about.The sheltered bird feeders near the visitor centre were busy with Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit and Tree Sparrow, plus this Great Spotted Woodpecker.

  Female Great Spotted Woodpecker. Males have a small patch of red on the back of the head.

 There were huge numbers of Tufted Duck, like this juvenile.

 Cormorant with breeding plumage.

 The Golden Plover flock was several hundred individuals strong.

 Black-tailed Godwits.


 Great White Egret, a UK 2017 first for me.

Male Goldeneye

Friday 29 December 2017

Abbot's Wood

After the rain, a walk through the mud of Abbot's Wood. Heading from the Old Oak pub towards the Pearl-bordered Fritillary clearing I was delighted to encounter 3 Hawfinches.

The birds were very flighty and remained at some distance. Just look at that beak! Apparently they can crack cherry stones.

 A Long-tailed Tit.

Young Oak woodland with the tops of the trees in the setting sun.

The sunset from the Pearl-bordered fritillary clearing.

Found the the same clearing, this could be the rotting remains of a Collard Earthstar, Geastrum triplex, with the central structure destroyed It was about 15 in diameter.

This looks like the fruiting body of the same fungus before it opens

Black Redstart

Christmas is really great fun, but it leaves little time to get outside.

A Black Redstart was a surprising visitor to my garden, only the second one in nine years.

Thursday 28 December 2017

Around Christmas

Eastbourne seafront on Boxing Day morning.

Pevensey Levels

A Redwing at dusk near Horseye on the Pevensey Levels. I also saw three Marsh Harriers and a hunting Barn Owl.

Sunset on the Pevensey Levels.

Distant shot of Fieldfares foraging in the fields.

Birling Gap

A very damp Meadow Pipit at Birling Gap

Wintery sea at Birling Gap, from the 23rd December.

Had an astonishing view of a Corn Bunting being chased by a Sparrowhawk in the field behind Birling Gap. The Bunting escaped by flying under my car.

Wednesday 27 December 2017

ARCHIVE: February 2016

Sunrise over Eastbourne.

Discovered Warnham LNR, near Crawley. A bit of a drive, but the woodland hide is brilliant in winter, attracting a great range of species.

This Cormorant is in full breeding plumage, with a white wing patch and head with a natty plume.

Mute Swan.


Bird feeder raider.

Long-tailed Tit.


Goldfinch, with a Blue Tit.



Siskin and Blue Tit.

Goldfinch, Blue Tit and Siskin.

Lots of Goldfinches.



Little Egret.


These Mistle Thrushes were in a field near Friston Forest.

Cuckmere Haven

Winter in the valley.

A frozen Cuckmere Valley.

Little Egret.


Skylark. Several overwinter at the mouth of the valley.