Monday 30 July 2018

France 10: Locmariaquer and Carnac

Visited Locmariaquer and Carnac to see the amazing megaliths. The wildlife was good too. 

Glanville Fritillary at Locmariaquer. A lifetime first.

Preying Mantis

Blue-winged Grasshopper, you see the wings when they jump and fly.

Thought this was an Alcon Blue at first, but now I realise it is a faded Common Blue.

Large Conehead Cricket, Ruspolia nitidula.

On to Carnac. The alignments are amazing.


I had fantastic views of a Cirl Bunting, successfully hunting for grasshoppers among the stones

I also came across a group of recently fledged Cirl Bunting, the adults were in the trees.

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