Friday 13 July 2018

Broxbourne Woods

For the second year, I spent a week on school camp near Broxbourne Woods National Nature Reserve in Hertfordshire. The wood is remarkable for the Hornbeam and Oak that grows there, with open rides supporting flowers that encourage insects. I did catch a glimpse of a White Admiral, but not to photograph.

Muntjac Deer are common in these woods, with sightings occuring on several days. Nuthatches, Treecreepers, Great Spotted Woodpeckers and Coal Tits were also common. I managed to see just one Glow-worm, though I believe greater numbers were seen earlier in the summer.


Large Skipper

Silver-washed Fritillary


Small Skipper

Marbled White

Essex Skipper

Small Skippers

Common Toad, crawling across one of the tracks at dusk.

Common Red Soldier Beetle, Rhagonycha fulva.

Meadow Brown

Yellow and Black Longhorn Beetle, Rutpela maculata.

Small White

Green-veined White

Large White

Speckled Wood

Broad-bodied Chaser, a female.

Emperor Dragonfly

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