Sunday 29 July 2018

France 9: Suscinio

A day of heavy rain. Headed south to the coast below the gulf of Morbihan to Chatteau Suscinio.


Distant Cattle Egret

White Wagtail, adults returning to feed young in their nest in the castle walls.

After visiting the castle we walked around Succino Marshes.

Juvenile Shelduck

Adult and juvenile Avocet

Juvenile White Wagtail

Black-tailed Godwit

Little Egret

Juvenile Sandwich Terns with a Common Tern in the foreground.

Little Egret

A juvenile Little Tern

Sand Martins. There were over a hundred feeding over the water.

Black-winged Stilt

Distant Curlew feeding in the Gulf of Morbihan at low tide.

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