Friday 6 April 2018

Seawatching at Birling gap

I started seawatching last year. I am not completely addicted yet, so I am able to make occasional and relatively brief visits to Birling Gap.

Tuesday 3rd April: Mainly Brent Geese on the move with 350+ seen. I addition I saw Mediterranean Gulls, Common Scoter, Sandwich and Common Terns, Shelduck and

 Brent Geese

These local gulls were not migrating, but had been lifted by the passage of one of the local Peregrines.

Friday 6th April: Common Scoter (400+), Velvet Scoter, Sandwich and Common Tern, Gannet and only 3 Brent Geese. really please with a Slavonian Grebe that swam past just off the beach.

 Common Scoter

 Velvet Scoter

 Slavonian Grebe

Corn Bunting

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