Friday 6 April 2018


Now Spring has started to happen, and temperatures are increasing, activity has picked up in my Eastbourne garden. It is located at the western edge of the town, right next to the downs.

A rather damp Chiffchaff, one of several that have moved through in recent days. All of them have been really active foragers, clearly hungry.

Recently hatched Common Frog tadpoles. The pond is just under two years old, and this is the first time that frogspawn has appeared.


Collared Dove
 This Pheasant is a new visitor to the bird feeders, feeding on the food spilt by the Jackdaws.

 Small Tortoiseshell. After a Peacock, this is my second species of butterfly of the year.

A rather battered Comma, my third species.

Buff-tailed Bumblebees. Both show signs of mite infestation.

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