Saturday 21 April 2018

April - after the cold weather

Bosham, just south of Chichester. I visited at the end of the Easter holidays, on what seemed like the first sunny day of April.

 One of two Firecrests in the churchyard.

 Sparrowhawk over the estuary

 A distant Whimbrel, one of two.

My first Holly Blue of the year, also in the churchyard.

This Black Redstart appeared in my garden at dusk. There was one in the autumn too. I would love to think they are the same bird.

Last weekend I visited Sevenoaks LNR for the first time in over 20 years.


 Little Ringed Plovers. One of two pairs nesting at Sevenoaks LNR

 Lapwing. Several pairs appear to be nesting

Two of the six Black-necked Grebes at Sevenoaks, in their summer finery.

Great Crested Grebe

I visited Old Lodge on a wonderfully warm and sunny day. Hard to believe it was the same place I had walked around in the winter. The reserve had good numbers of Willow Warbler, Tree Pipit and Woodlark, plus at least two Cuckoos.



 Common Redstart, one of two seen



Dusk at Hill Road Eastbourne

 Heliophanus cupreus, the Copper Sun Jumping Spider. Afirst for my Eastbourne garden.

Zebra Jumping Spider, just before it jumped onto my camera lens

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