Saturday 14 April 2018

Garden and Downs

Living on the edge of the South Downs, as spring finally kicks in, is really interesting.

This Common Crab Spider, Xysticus cristatus,  was in our cherry tree.

Seven-spot Ladybird

Corn Bunting near East Dean


Stonechat male

Stonechat female, with nesting material

Mr and Mrs

Early Bumblebee

I think this tiny spider ia a Buzzing Spider.

Another Early Bumblebee

Comma, one of five species of butterfly seen in the garden so far this year (Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Brimstone and Small White).

Common Carder Bee feeding on the flowers that now grow above Hope Gap, where the scrub has been cleared.

Meadow Pipit

Black Redstart at Hope Gap.


Female Blackbird with nesting material.

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