Saturday 2 May 2020

Spotted Cat's-ear, Holly Blue, Corn Bunting, Early Spider Orchid, Dingy Skipper, Wheatear, Green Hairstreak and Early Purple Orchid - Day 44

A glorious and sunny day, with a fairly stiff breeze. Starling on the feeders again, and more unusually, a pair of House Sparrows in the back garden. I noticed the Dunnocks taking food to a nest somewhere near the shed.

In the wildflower lawn three new species were flowering: Lesser Yellow Trefoil, Common Vetch, and more unusually Spotted Cats-ear.

We set off on an ambitious walk to Belle Tout at about 10.30am. Quite near the house I finally managed to get a good look at a Holly Blue. On the Downs it was quite windy and the sun always seemed to be behind a cloud. Consequently it was rather cold along Chapman's Bottom. However, once we crossed the A259 the sky cleared. East Dean Down was a revelation, as this was the first time I Had walked here. There were plenty of wildflowers out and a wonderful Buttercup filled grassland.

As we approached Cornish farm the number of calling Corn Buntings and Skylarks increased, and it was nice to see some Swallows.

At Belle Tout we were mercifully sheltered from the wind. I was delighted to see my first ever Early Spider Orchids. Near Horseshoe Plantation there were several butterflies including Wall Browns, Large Whites and Small Coppers. I saw my first Common Blue of the year, and most excitingly, my first ever Dingy Skipper.

For the return journey we walked the gently inclined path from Cornish Farm to Warren Hill. I was delighted to see my first Wheatear of the year.

Later, as we descended from Beachy Brow, I saw my first Green Hairstreak of the year and some Early Purple Orchids. Arriving home at 3.30pm.


 Dunnock, with food

 Spotted Cat's-ear (Hypochaeris maculata)


 Common Vetch

 Lesser Yellow Trefoil

 Mexican Fleabane

 Holly Blue

 Germander Speedwell

 East Dean Down

 Dove's-foot Cranesbill



 Sun Spurge

 Corn Bunting


 Early Spider Orchid

 Buff-tailed Bumblebee

 Dingy Skipper

 Common Blue

 Corn Bunting

 Caterpillars of the Brown-tailed Moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea), that live communally in a web.


 Green Hairstreak

Early Purple Orchid

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