Monday 4 May 2020

Petty Spurge, Sow Thistle, Elm fruits and Wild Carrot - Day 46

A brighter, dryer day, after Sunday's dampness. Slightly unusual visitors on the feeders in the form of Starlings and Chaffinches. The male Chaffinch was showing signs of extensive Avian Papillomavirus infection, but was clearly in good health otherwise.

In the Wildflower Lawn Petty Spurge and Sow Thistle have started to flower. In the woods the paths were littered in places with discarded English Elm leaves and seed cases. This species is clearly well distributed.

Later in the day I came across a beautiful patch of Wild Carrot flowering on the golf course.


 Chaffinch with Avian Papillomavirus

 Petty Spurge

 Sow Thistle

 Elm leaves and seeds on the path in Further Plantation

Wild Carrot

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