Saturday 16 May 2020

Speckled Yellow Moth, Song Thrush and Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Day 58

Lovely morning walk at Shooters Bottom




 Yellow Rattle

 Common Whitethroat

 Speckled Yellow, a day flying moth. This is the first time I have seen one land.

 Song Thrush

 Corn Bunting

Flowers in the garden

 Corn Cockle

Our first Oxeye Daisy, my favourite wildflower. The ones growing on our wildflower lawn are over a week behind others I have seen.

Another lovely walk, this time at Abbots Wood. Amazing birdsong, including Willow Warbler, Nightingale and Cuckoo.


 Lilly Beetle

 Pearl-bordered Fritillary

 Wood Spurge

 Germander Speedwell

Another Pearl-bordered Fritillary, the fifth one we saw

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