Sunday 17 May 2020

Ducklings, Goslings, Green-winged Orchids, Peregrines, Sea Slug, Common Blue, Brown Argus and Stock Dove - Day 59

Went to Shinewater Marsh to complete my WeBS core count for May.

Speckled Wood


Canada Goose gosling

Mallard and Ducklings

Canada Geese, with nearly full grown Mallard ducklings

Greylag Goose goslings


Canada Geese

Shinewater Marsh


Reed Warbler

Great Crested Grebe

Seaford Head

Green-winged Orchids. I think the old name of Green-veined Orchid is better. A lifer.

Dingy Skipper


Sea Pink

Peregrines. We saw the smaller male diving at the female

Sea Slug egg-cases

Snakelock Anenome

Common Sea Slug, another lifer


Deadly Nightshade

Common Blue

Brown Argus

Vipers Blugloss

In the garden.

Stock Dove

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