Tuesday 21 February 2017

February Half-term 2017: Highlights

Nine days of exciting experiences in the natural world.

Mute Swans at Holkham Pines NNR.

The weather this half-term has been very kind, and after a cold start the mild temperatures have enabled me to get outside a great deal. I even caught the sun a little on Saturday 18th, which is probably a first for me in February.

There have been many highlights. I was delighted to see Brown Hares on three different occasions on my trip to Norfolk, my first for years. In addition I also saw Muntjac and Sika Deer.

A visit to Lynford Arboretum, also in Norfolk, generated Crossbill, Hawfinch and a Marsh Tit.

Distant view of four Hawfinches at Lynford Arboretum.

After seeing Purple Sandpipers for the first time in January I had great views of a pair at Sheringham.

Purple Sandpipers at Sheringham.

A visit to Holkham Pines National Nature Reserve on the north Norfolk coast is always rewarding: Three Red Kites lifting thousands of Lapwing and an incredible group of about a dozen Snipe that circled over me several times, huge flocks of grazing Wigeon which were remarkably approachable, and Marsh Harriers too.

A Red Kite causing panic among a flock of Lapwing at Holkham.

I was lucky enough to have great views of a Peregrine at Norwich cathedral, as it perched on the spire and sporadically harried the local pigeons.
Peregrine on the spire of Norwich cathedral.

I also had distant but thrilling views of my first male Hen Harrier near Horsey. Previously I have only seen juveniles or female birds

All in all a fantastic week. Here are my top five Wildlife Wonders:

#5 Hunting Barn Owl, Horsey 15th February.

Close views this marvellous species hunting in full daylight. The bird silently quartered an area of rough grassland occasionally hovering and then diving down.

#4 Twite, Cuckmere Haven 11th February.

A lifetime first, my 427th species. Such perfect camouflage it was impossible to see until it moved. Fantastic yellow beak.

#3 Shore Larks, Holkham Pines NNR 15th February.

I was delighted to find this reported flock of over twenty birds. Only the second time I have seen this beautiful species.

#2 Waxwings, Bexhill 11th February.

I am amazed that this only makes second place, so delighted was I at finally seeing some Waxwings after so many failures. What incredible birds.

#1 Seal colony, Horsey Gap 16th February.

This was a complete surprise for me. Hundreds of Grey, and a few Common Seals, hauled out along the beach. It was magical to be so close to such a large number of big wild mammals. Unforgettable.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Peregrine on Norwich Cathedral blends in so well with the stonework that I couldn't work it out at first - it could almost be a gargoyle!

    What a wonderful array of wildlife, and despite what you say I am still very impressed with your bad knowledge :)
