Sunday 11 February 2018


So many of my photos from 2018 have been taken on overcast, damp days with really poor light. It was wonderful to get out early to the Cuckmere on a very cold and bright day, at least the mud was frozen.

Canada Geese on the Cuckmere.

Morning sky, the high cloud perpetuated the golden light and warned of the awful afternoon weather.

Curlew, always lovely to see in the valley.


Common, or Mew Gull.

Wigeon in flight.

Teal, unsually on the main channel.

Redshank, looking cold.

More Canadas.


Reed Bunting. Several were wintering down to the west of the scrape.



Little Egret.

Greenfinch, one of only two seen. In previous years there have been flocks of 50+ wintering past the scrape.

Latter in the day I visited Bexhill-on-Sea, before the rain reset in. Turnstone were feeding on the lawns at high tide. Also saw three Gannet out at sea.

A couple of sun rises from last week.

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