Sunday 4 February 2018


A last minute change in the forecast; suddenly Saturday changed from a dry, if cloudy, day to persistent rain all day. Went to Arundel anyway, starting with a wet and muddy walk around Swanbourne Lake.

Song Thrush

A Mandarin, one of four seen hidden among the over-hanging trees on the south side of the lake. The UK population of this introduced species is now larger than in its native China. Fortunately the population in Japan remains quite large. This male is in full breeding plumage.

Tufted Duck, female at the top and male below.

The enormous feet of this Coot make even those of Moorhens look small.

A first winter Black-headed Gull.

After warming up a bit in the tearoom we set off to circumnavigate the WWT. More rain and mud.

A damp and very approachable Bullfinch. This male sat happily under a bush, only a few feet away, for several minutes.

An extremely high tide meant the Arun was flowing backwards.


Gadwall. About 30 were grazing happily in the soaking meadows of the valley

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