Sunday 3 September 2017

France 16: The Somme and Platier d'Oye

A beautiful sunny day in the Somme. We stopped at the military cemetery at La Targette. Over 54,000 graves. Quite overwhelming.

 A beautiful place. During our visit I saw some very interesting wildlife.

Two Jackdaws mobbing a Sparrowhawk.

Black Kite


Red Admiral

Later in the day we visited Vimy Ridge, an amazing monument to the fallen Canadian soldiers that fell in the battle for this strategic piece of high ground.

The monument at Vimy Ridge.

There are tours of a surviving tunnel and trenches. Several bats were roosting in the tunnel.

Two Common Buzzards.

Greater Spotted Woodpecker.

The woodland planted on the site of the battlefield.

The Snout, Hypena proboscidalis. A type of moth.



Making our way towards Calais, there was time to visit Platier d'Oye, a nature reserve between Calais and Dunkirk.

Female Teal

Fence Post Jumping Spider, Marpissa muscosa.

Berries of the Sea Buckthorn, Hippophae rhamnoides. This plant was growing extensively over the dune system. This is the last photo I took before boarding the Chunnel back to the UK.

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