Friday 1 September 2017

France 14: Assin

The cooler, conditions continued, Autumn had arrived. This made it more comfortable to wander around Assin and look at the local birds.

Pied Flycatcher.

Spotted Flycatcher.


Middle Spotted Woodpecker.

Green Woodpecker.

Black Redstart.

Distant Whinchat.


Meadow Pipit, with marvellous long toes. 

With the cooler conditions a number of Mistle Thrushes appeared in the area. 

Early morning rain did not discourage the the Swallows from feeding, particularly on the huge numbers of Box Tree Moths that had built up during our stay. These Swallows are drinking from the puddle of rainwater that collected on the pool cover. 

The cooler, damp conditions meant that this Roman Snail, Helix pomatia, was active. Apparently this is the best species for eating, but so far it has proved impossible to cultivate it successfully in captivity.

The skyat dusk,  looking South from Assin.

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