Wednesday 13 September 2017

Cuckmere Haven

Recent photographs from early September.

Autumnal golden light, with mist and calling geese.

Canada Geese moving up the valley.

Canada Geese on the meanders.

Grey Heron on the meanders.

Canada Geese disturbed by an early paddle boarder.

Ringed Plover on the river channel.

Little Egret with a Pied Wagtail.

Spotted Flycatcher.


Black-tailed Godwit on the scrape.

Little Egret, with some Black-headed Gulls, on the scrape.

Wheatear at the beach.

More Little Egret on the scrape.

Canada Geese.

Meadow Pipit.


Dunlin feeding along the bank of the river.

Canada Geese, this time with the paddle-boarder cropped out.

Rock Pipit.

Baird's Sandpiper on Monday 4th September.

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