Saturday 2 September 2017

France 15: Travelling

Last morning in Assin. It was entirely appropriate that Black Redstarts were hanging around to see us off.

The long drive up to the Somme was enlivened by two migrating Ospreys, dozens of Common Buzzards, and a marvelous flock of about 50 White Storks at Bourg en Bresse. There were even three of them perched on the giant steel sculpture of the chicken, the Poulet de Bresse.

Some of the picnic areas on the motorways had nice wild areas, with lots of wild flowers and insects.

Large White, Pieris brassicae.

Green-veined White, Artogeia napi.

I think this is a European Paper Wasp, Polistes dominula. 

Eventually, as the sun was sinking to the horizon, we arrived at Corcelles au Bois in the Somme and managed a short walk at dusk. There was a large roost of Lesser Black-backed Gulls out in the fields and a Smart Wheatear.

Distant Roe Deer.


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