Sunday 30 July 2017

Cuckmere haven

It seems that for most of July I have become preoccupied with flowers and insects. A rain free evening prompted a walk down to the Cuckmere.

Black-headed Gull. The breeding plumage is fading.

Little Egret.

Grey Heron.

Roosting gulls on the exposed mud at low tide. Almost all were Black-headed Gulls, but there were Oystercatcher, Shelduck, Redshank, Dunlin and Curlew present.

The Grey Heron below is a younger individual. It lacks the distinct black markings and ornamental feathers of the adult bird above. These take four years to develop fully.

As dusk fell, more gulls flew in to join the roost. Note the juvenile Shelduck bottom center-left. This species regularly breeds in the valley. 

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