Saturday 22 July 2017

Broxbourne Woods NNR

A week of school camp at Broxbourne Woods NNR, Hertfordshire. The woods are not a very diverse habitat for birds; I only saw 21 species all week, highlights being Tawny Owl and Spotted Flycatcher (species 185 of 2017). Luckily the invertebrate fauna was very interesting, although I did not manage to see the Purple Emperors or White Admirals the reserve is famous for.

Small Copper

Common Red Soldier Beetle, Rhagonycha fulva.


A harvestman , Mitostoma chrysomelas, with Red Spider Mite pre-nymph ectoparasites.

A partial glimpse of a Jay.

Meadow Brown.


Large Skipper.

Mating Gatekeepers.

Red Admiral.

One of the plantation woods that are part of the Broxbourne Woods NNR complex.


Silver-washed Fritillary.

Green-veined White.


Silver-washed Fritillary.

Female Emperor Dragonfly.

Yellow Black Longhorn Beetle, Rutpela maculata.

Common Century.

Red Admiral.


Cinnabar Moth caterpillar, feeding on Ragwort.

Large Skipper.

Speckled Wood.

Great Willow Herb, Epilobium hirsutum.

Meadow Grasshopper, Chorthippus parallelus.

Butterfly species seen:
Small Copper
Gate Keeper
Meadow Brown
Red Admiral
Silver-washed Fritillary
Large Skipper
Green-veined White
Small Skipper
Speckled Wood

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