Sunday 5 March 2017


The exciting rewilding project at Knepp is split by roads into three sections. A visit to the mysterious, and largest. 'southern block' is like travelling to the remote wilds.

It is grazed by English Long-horn Cattle, Tamworth Pigs, Exmoor ponies and Fallow Deer. The pigs have an obvious effect on the grasslands, turning the turf over and exposing earth. This greatly benefits Robins, Thrushes and other woodland birds.

One of the Oak woodlands in the southern block.

The birdsong was fantastic. I particularly noticed large groups of Goldfinches. I also saw a Merlin and a Kestrel.

Winter thrushes; a mixed flock of Redwings and Fieldfares

Old English Long-horn Cattle.

Last April I saw my first ever Turtle Dove at Knepp, and several pairs breed here regularly. The species requirements for a mixture of scrub, grassland, tall hedgerows and naturally  regenerated patches of weeds are amply met by the rich mosaic of habitats that have developed on the estate.

Part of  a bachelor group of Fallow Deer. I also saw a group of females and subadults.

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