Saturday 25 March 2017

Late March

Spring seems to be progressing very quickly, despite some decidedly poor weather. The wind in particular has been very strong along the coast and has generated some wintry seas. This time of year is always the busiest for me at work, meaning that my excursions outside seem to become isolated and episodic.

Song Thrush near Wych Cross, Ashdown Forest. I was hoping to see one of the reported sightings of Great Grey Shrikes, but I had no luck.

A pair of marvellous Great Crested Grebes at Weir Wood Reservoir. These birds engaged in their courtship display, with head bobbing, the offering of pond weed and lots of calling.

 Dunnock from Weir Wood Reservoir.

 Catkins of a female Goat Willow, Weir Wood Reservoir.

Shelduck at the ARK pool, Dungeness

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