Tuesday 14 March 2017

Rye Harbour

Easily one of the best places to see birds in Sussex. A rare day out on the shingle with only gentle wind, plus some early spring sunshine.

A group of Avocets.

Little Egret.

More Avocets.


From left to right: 2nd winter Herring Gull, 1st winter Great Black-backed Gull then two 1st winter Herring Gulls.

Views across the shingle.

A sequence of photos of Ringed Plover involved in courtship displays.


Mediterranean Gulls.

Another Shoveler.

Sandwich Terns. Just back for the Spring. They flew around all afternoon, calling excitedly.

Another Oystercatcher.

Black-headed Gull.


Black-headed Gull.

Collared Dove.

I also caught brief glimpses of a Little Tern and a Wheatear.

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