Tuesday 13 December 2016

Rye Harbour

I timed my arrival for what passed as dawn, on a gloomy and misty morning.

Such a lovely place. I quickly saw Golden Plover in good numbers on Flat Beach, along with plenty of Lapwing, Dunlin, Shoveler and Wigeon.

Little Grebe.

I walked down to Beach Reserve and followed the dead-end track to view the pools, where two male Goldeneyes were displaying to at least four females. A few Teal and a female pochard were present.

Down at the sea a large group of Oystercatcher were sitting out the high tide. Meadow Pipit, Green Woodpecker and Greenfinch were about, but I did not see my longed for Grey Partridge.

Tufted Duck


Male and femal Wigeon

On the Ternery Pool were Teal, Little Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck and a Pintail.

Gadwall with a Little Grebe



The Quarry hide gave the best views of the day, with some beautiful Gadwall very close. The huge numbers of birds looking east to Flat Beach was marvellous. A pair of Shelduck landed in one of the dry creeks.



I managed a total of 39 species in two hours.

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