Friday 2 December 2016

Desert Wheatear at Norman's Bay

After tantalising reports of this bird being present all week, I finally managed to get down for a look.

There was no-one about, so rather unhopefully I wandered along the beach, approaching the Martello tower from the west. Several Pied Wagtails were feeding along the beach and about a dozen Turnstones were along the shore. The sea was millpond still.

About 100 metres from the tower, exactly as described by Birdguides, what I thought was another Pied Wagtail revealed itself to be the Desert Wheatear. As had been mentioned by earlier birders, the bird was ridiculously tame and confiding. It seemed fairly interested in me and flew around, perching obligingly for me to take photos.

I spent about 10 minutes sitting with the bird quite close to me, before it flew down the beach, and I felt that I had intruded enough.


  1. The desert wheatear has the same colouring as it's surroundings amazing camouflage, must be really difficult to spot.

  2. The desert wheatear has the same colouring as it's surroundings amazing camouflage, must be really difficult to spot.
