Sunday 6 November 2016

Patch: Late October

A period of mild, dry and exceptionaly still weather. The Ashes and Sycamores are now leafless. The skies at dawn have been amazing.

These were taken on three separate mornings.

There has been hardly a breeze on the top. There are plenty of Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Starling and Magpies about. Also Woodpigeon, Blue Tit, Great Tit and Chaffinch. A patch of Gorse was full of Goldcrests. A vocal Green Woodpecker has been active around the scrub at Beachy Brow. Four late Ring Ouzels flew over.

 Wind is clearly the normal setting.

Mist down on the Levels. The distant horizon is the High Weald.

Down in Further Plantation a more traditional, often misty, Autumn is in full colour. Leaves have been falling steadily, like snowflakes. The wood is busy with Great Tits, Blue Tits, Wren, Goldcrests, Treecreepers and Jays.

Most excitingly I saw a Firecrest, its head a dazzling blob of orange in the gloom of the wood.

Admittedly not the best photos, but what a bird!


  1. Yes, what a bird, liked the first picture & the surrounding autumnal hues.

  2. Yes, what a bird, liked the first picture & the surrounding autumnal hues.
