Sunday 6 November 2016

Autumn Half-term 2016: Highlights

What a life of wonder! Another week of marvellous wildlife experiences. Here is my top five:

#5 Long-tailed Duck at Cley, Norfolk.

A lifetime first. An active, diving female giving good, if distant, views.

#4 Starlings at Stonehenge, Wiltshire.

Amazingly beautiful in their new Autumn plumage. Absolutely stunning.

#3 Great Bustards, Salisbury Plain.

A hugely exciting to drive up into MOD land to see the birds at their release site.

#2 Long-tailed Tits, Friston Forest.

Such inquisitive and social birds, with splendid plumage.

#1 Pink-footed Geese, Wells-next-the-sea.

The realisation of a long held ambition. Thrilling to see skeins of thousands in the sky at dawn.

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