Sunday 20 November 2016

Bramblings at Old Lodge

After storm Angus blew itself out I returned to Old Lodge to see the Bramblings.

This is a cropped image of the photo below. It contains 7 Bramblings.

There are at least 12 in this image.

The birds were feeding with Chaffinches in the leaf litter under a row of Beech Trees. There were easily 50 of them.

Another, rather blurry image of the feeding Bramblings.

A distant Brambling.

They were very flighty and nervous, making it very difficult to approach. Added to that the light was poor and the birds were very quick moving.

Ashdown Forest looks marvellous in the Autumn. The orange leaves of the Oaks are currently dominating the landscape. Saw a group of 9 Fallow Deer.

Old Lodge is currently being grazed by Konik Ponies. Interestingly I saw 3 Exmoor Ponies with the herd.

Yellow Stags-horn Fungus.


  1. Goodness hunt the Brambling, amazing camouflage.

  2. Goodness hunt the Brambling, amazing camouflage.
