Friday 9 September 2016

Summer 2016: Highlights

This six week long holiday has yielded many exciting wildlife moments; most days I managed at least two walks. These are my top ten wildlife wonders:

#10 Wood Warbler in the woods above Hill Road, Eastbourne on 10th August. My second Wood Warbler of the summer, and so close to my home.

#9 Red-breasted Mergansers, Grasmere on 29th July.
A very active hunting pair, that I watched for ten minutes, in a stunning location.

#8 Nesting House Martins at Caudale Beck,Brotherswater 23rd July.
As the juveniles fledged they started to congregate on the Wire outside my bedroom. It was a privilege to watch them during my week's stay, and very sad to leave them.

#7 Manx Shearwater, Cuckmere Haven 2nd August. A stormy day with foaming sea. The Shearwater flew low over the waves seeming completely at ease in the wild conditions. 

#6 Goosander, Rydal Water 25th July. 

I presume this was a female and two juveniles, as I read that the males depart after mating.

#5 A hunting Kestrel catching and eating a Common Lizard, Dungeness 29th August. 

#4 Guillemot nesting colony, St Bees Head Cumbria 23rd July. 

An amazing spectacle of hundreds of birds.

#3 Black Tern, Dungeness 29th August. Great views of a thrilling lifetime first. Lovely lazy flight. 

#2 Curlew Sandpipers, Pett Level beach 29th August.
Chanced to see a pair of these lovely birds land on the shore, and they proved to be very confiding. 

#1 Puffins, St Bees Head Cumbria, 23rd July. A lifetime ambition. I knew the date was too late to see them on the cliffs, but I was hopeful some would still be around. A busy group of four flew past with their red bills straining forwards. Magic.

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