Monday 5 September 2016

Pett Level, Rye Harbour and Dungeness

An entirely self indulgent day out on the shingle.

One of two Curlew Sandpipers on the beach at Pett Level.

A Little Egret at Rye Harbour.

Common Sandpiper at Rye Harbour.

Little Grebe still in breeding plumage at Rye Harbour.

Golden Plover at the ARC Pitt, Dungeness.

Black-tailed Godwits and a Lapwing, ARC Pitt.

Record shot of a Garganey, ARC Pitt.

Adult Common Terns with two juveniles.

Lapwing, Burrowes Pitt, RSPB Dungeness.

A distant photo of two Great White Egrets.

Some less glamorous, but pleasingly arranged, Greylag Geese with a Tufted Duck.

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