Friday 23 September 2016

Patch: Foxholes Wood after the Equinox

First hint of a chill in the air this morning at dawn.

Across the levels and the Low Weald low mist made the  Downs and the High Weald into separate islands.

As the sun rose slightly, mist seemed to boil off the lakes on Eastbourne Levels.

Many of the Ash trees are already leafless. The exposed position of the wood means leaves are stripped early and the scarp never manages any Autumn colour.

Magpies, Jay's and Green Woodpeckers are currently very vocal in the morning. The number of Chiffchaffs moving through is decreasing, leaving the Ash and Sycamore woodland to territorial Robins. It seems that Wrens have also started to sing again.

At dusk the Jackdaw murmuration is becoming a real spectacle. Calling, the birds stream in from across Eastbourne. They almost exclusively fly in pairs.

Gathering on Foxholes Brow there is lots of noise and scurrying between trees punctuated by the explosive burst of hundreds of birds taking to the sky.

Once again, the local Canada Geese have been continuing with their vocal mini migration. I counted a skein of about 100 heading West in the early evening.

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