Saturday 27 May 2017

Term 5: Highlights

This post collects my favourite photos from Term 5 and lists my top five Wildlife Wonders.

Sunset at Arlington Reservoir.

Whitethroat, Birling Gap.

Corn Bunting, near Belle Tout.

Wheatear, Birling Gap.

Reed Warbler, West Rise Marsh.

Stonechat, West Rise Marsh.

Bluebells, Arlington.

Linnet, Shooters Bottom.

Shooters Bottom.

Dunnock, Shooters Bottom.

Twayblade, Further Plantation Willingdon. 

Reed Bunting,  Charleston Reedbed.

Whitethroat, Cuckmere Valley. 

Wild Garlic, above Jevington Church.

White Wagtail, Hankham Levels.

West Rise Marsh.

Whiteread Hollow.

Thunder clouds over Eastbourne.

Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Abbot's Wood.

Tree Pipit, Old Lodge.

Woodlark, Old Lodge.

Beachy Head. 

Hummingbird Hawkmoth, Hill Road Eastbourne.

My top five Wildlife Wonders:

#5 Peregrine mobbing a Buzzard, Mount Caburn 21st May.

The 'churring' call the Peregrine made alerted me to this amazing spectacle.

#4 Siberian Chiffchaff, Arlington Reservoir 28th April. I didn't see the Red-rumped Swallow, but this lifetime first made up for it. The characteristic three part Chiffchaff call was perfect.

#3 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Abbot's Wood 20th May. Absolutely stunning butterly. Photo above.

#2 Hummingbird Hawkmoth, Hill Road Eastbourne. 21st May. Fantastic garden visitor. Photos above.

#1 Spring Seabird migration, Birling Gap. 29th and 30th April. Mediterranean Gull, Kittiwake, Sandwich Tern,  Brent Geese, Dunlin, Whimbrel, Eider and Common Scoter. Plus three lifetime firsts: Velvet Scoter, Great Skua and Pomarine Skua. Amazing.

Cattle, Mount Caburn.

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