Thursday 4 May 2017

Birling Gap sea migration

After several attempts I managed to witness some fantastic Spring migration at the coast. I am hugely grateful to the dedicated birdwatchers, who watch all day and put their sightings on Twitter. At Birling Gap on Saturday afternoon I saw Brent Geese, Kittiwake, Mediterranean Gull and Sandwich Tern. On Sunday morning, again at Birling Gap, I saw Pomarine Skua, Velvet Scoter, Great Skua (three lifetime firsts), Eider and Common Scoter.

Pomarine Skua, Birling Gap.

Scoter. The front eight (ish) birds, with the white markings, are Velvet Scoter. The remaining dark birds are Common Scoter. From Birling Gap.

Great Skua, Birling Gap.

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