Saturday 27 May 2017

Term 5: Bird List

Term 5 is always one of my busiest times at work, leaving little time to get out. 

This term I saw four lifetime firsts:
Siberian Chiffchaff 
Velvet Scoter 
Great Skua 
Pomarine Skua 
The last three were from 40 magical minutes of sea watching at Birling Gap. My life total is now 436.

In addition, these species were year ticks:
Garden Warbler 
Tree Pipit 
My total for the year is now 172.

Herring Gull, West Rise Marsh.

Swallow, Arlington Reservoir.

Collared Dove, Arlington Reservoir.

Pied Wagtail, Arlington Reservoir. 

Peregrine, Shooters Bottom.

Pomarine Skua, Birling Gap.

Velvet and Common Scoter, Birling Gap.

Great Skua, Birling Gap.

Nuthatch, Michelham Priory. 

Black-headed Gull, Cuckmere Valley.
Linnets, above Jevington Church.

Little Egret, Cuckmere Valley. 

Moorhen, Motcombe Gardens.

Greenfinch, Motcombe Gardens.

Pied Wagtail, Chilley Farm Pevensey Levels

Skylark, Horseye Level. 

Robin, Hill Road Eastbourne.

Buzzard, Mount Caburn.

Meadow Pipit, Mount Caburn. 

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