Tuesday 4 October 2016

Patch: Early October

More marvellous weather after a wet and squally Saturday. Plenty of migrating Chiffchaffs, Swallows and House Martins about.

Goldcrest in a Yew Tree.

The Swallows have a musical, chiming call which contrasts with the insect like clicking of the House Martins.

One of the on passage Chiffchaffs.

There were also a good number of Goldcrests along the scarp woodland. Whether these birds have arrived as migrants from the continent, or are the result of a successful summer of breeding by the resident population, is hard to tell. They were well away from the conifers found in Further Plantation, so they could be migrants.

Open Downland.

One of the local Buzzards made repeated sweeps over the woods, each time being half-heartedly mobbed by Carrion Crows.

Red Admiral, Hoverfly and Wasp feeding on the Ivy.

The Ivy is flowering and the heavy scent is attracting an astonishing number and variety of insects. I saw three species of bee, two species of Wasp, Hoverflies, Red Admiral and countless other flies feeding on it.

Small Copper and a rather battered Speckled Wood.

On the top there were a couple of Skylarks chasing low over the downs, hopefully they will stay for the winter. In addition to the Red Admirals I saw a Speckled Wood and a Small Copper. In the herb rich grassland Hardhead Thistles are still flowering while nearly all the other flowers have gone to seed.

Hardhead Thistles.

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