Saturday 22 October 2016

Patch: Autumn Morning

A beautiful morning. An early walk yielded 23 species, plus a calling Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Wren in the scrub on Willingdon Hill.

The leaves  of the Chestnut and Beech Trees in Further Plantation were in full autumnal colour, and that part of the wood was full of Goldcrests with a mobile group of Long-tailed Tits. Raven and Jay made it six species of corvid.

The woods leading up the scarp of Willingdon Hill.

There were two patch ticks in Mistle Thrush and Redwing. The former was feeding on the fruiting Berberis.
Great Tit in the bare Ash trees on the scarp edge.

There are still several plants in flower, the highlight being a Hardhead Thistle. I also saw a Wasp.

Flowering Hardhead Thistle.

Flowering marjoram.

On the top were Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Meadow Pipit  Skylark and the previously mentioned Redwing.
Another Great Tit, this one in Further Plantation.

Chaffinch in their sombre winter plumage.


  1. I love the autumn hues in the trees, enhanced by the sun, in the Further Plantation.

  2. I love the autumn hues in the trees, enhanced by the sun, in the Further Plantation.
