Friday 22 July 2016

Term 6 2016: Highlights

Despite some lovely warm weather at the end, this term has been unseasonably cold, wet and gloomy. Nevertheless, I have been able to get out quite a bit and have experienced some fantastic wildlife.

The many highlights include a huge whirling group of House Martins at Uppark, a marvellous Broad Bodied Chaser at Lullington Heath, a huge drift of Poppies above Jevington and a pair of nesting Common Terns driving off a Grey Heron at Warnham LNR.

My top five Wildlife Wonders of Term 6 2016:

#5 Water Scorpion, Frog Firle 10th July

Nearly 4cm long. Sinister and dark,  with fantastic pincer front legs and a long spike of a tail.

#4 Spotted Flycatcher, Uppark 17th July

Lovely views of an elusive bird that I rarely see.

#3 Yellow-legged Gull, Prince's Park Eastbourne 9th July

A lifetime first. Thick-billed and larger than the juvenile Herring Gulls, with longer primaries. It drove off adult Herring Gulls from food.

#2 Turtle Dove, Alciston 7th June

Marvellous views of only my second ever Turtle Dove. It even began to purr.

#1 Pair of Kingfishers, Warnham LNR 2nd July

Every day with a Kingfisher is a day of joy. Unparalleled views of an adult hovering like a Pied Kingfisher, then two birds perching together. Amazing.

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