Sunday 17 July 2016

Lullington Heath

I visited Lullington Heath on a lovely warm July afternoon.

Six Spot Burnet Moths

The meadows were full of flowers and butterflies. I saw Marbled White, Meadow Brown, Dark Green Fritillary, Small Copper. Green Forester Moth and Six Spot Burnet Moth.
Green Forester

Linnets and Yellowhammers were everywhere. I also flushed a Snipe from the crater, which was my 89th species for Term 6.

Male Linnet

On the pond in the crater was a marvellous Broad Bodied Chaser and two duelling Emperor Dragonflies, who splashed into the water together on several occasions.

Broad Bodied Chaser

Flowering meadow

Pyramidal Orchid

Marvellous July Weather

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