Wednesday 6 July 2016


Five Badgers visited the garden this evening. Four of them came up to the patio.

 We think the one on the left is a female, as she has a slender snout. She is called Blossom and was the first individual to visit when we stated putting out peanuts. On the right is a male (broad snout) called White Tail (also known as Professor Boosums), who is the largest Badger to visit. He has a paler rump and tail.

In this photo you can see the two smaller Badgers coming to join in. One on the steps and one more distant on the lawn. Despite being smaller they are very assertive. We often witness quite physical 'tussles' accompanied with lots of grunting.

A blurry photo, as the light rapidly failed, shows four Badgers up near the backdoor. The one on the top step, 'Mr Pushy', has just physically dislodged the other larger Badgers. A fith Badger seems more timid and so far has remained by the pond at the bottom of the garden during visits.

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