Saturday 30 June 2018

End of June

After a frustrating week of heavy fog on the Downs, the weather really settled down by the end of June.

Orange moon that rose over Eastbourne  As it got higher it faded to white as its light was scattered less by the atmosphere.

The sea at Birling Gap

Meadow Brown at Knepp

Marbled White at Knepp. I also saw five Purple Emperors and a Purple Hairstreak, both lifetime firsts.

A cricket at Midhurst

Beautiful Demoiselle on the river Rother at Midhurst

At Midhurst I visited the Cowdray walled garden.

A tree with lots of sad eyes in its bark

Honey Bees in lavender

Small Tortoiseshell in verbena

Juvenile Pied Wagtail

Another Meadow Brown, this time near Arlington Reservoir. Briefly saw a Turtle Dove there, my second of the year.

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