Sunday 26 November 2017

Rye Harbour

A bitterly cold morning with a bracing icy wind, but this male Wigeon in fine breeding plumage, made the long drive and early start worth while.

The fine droplets of water on the plumage reflect back the morning sun. 

Roosting Redshank.

A Green Woodpecker, hidden in the grass,  with a muddy beak from feeding on invertebrates in the soil. 

Three Herring Gulls, with a Black-headed Gull (on the left).

Another Redshank.

A female Wigeon with a protective flotilla of males.

Male Teal with fantastic breeding plumage.

And then there were two. A pair of Little Grebes appearing to look at the splash left by a third Little Grebe that has just dived.  This species is in non-breeding or eclipse plumage.

Record shots: Not the best photographs, but some interesting birds.

A pair of Goldeneye. The male is on the left.

A Black-necked Grebe, also in eclipse.

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